Cyclist 10-2015
Big Ride Dramatic Dolomites
“When you ride your bike around here, the first thing you do is go up”, says Klaus, one of my ride partners for the day and the owner of the Melodia del Bosco hotel…
Chi ci conosce ha potuto apprezzare la nostra professionalità e ospitalità:
immersi nella natura tra sport e relax.
Big Ride Dramatic Dolomites
“When you ride your bike around here, the first thing you do is go up”, says Klaus, one of my ride partners for the day and the owner of the Melodia del Bosco hotel…
Sella Italia
My cycling partner Caroline and I began our day with a fantastic breakfast at the Hotel Melodia del Bosco in Alta Badia. Here we met Klaus who, together with his sister, runs a family business that
specialises in tailor-made cycling tours in the mountains…
Big Ride Round the Ronda
I’m joined on my ride by Klaus, the owner of the Melodia del Bosco, another cyclist-friendly hotel in nearby Badia…
Auf eigene Faust
Vier Etappen, 500 Kilometer, 11000 Höhenmeter: auf großer Bikepacking-Tour quer durch Südtirol mit dem Rennrad.
Alta Badia das Königreich der Pässe
Rebecca und Rebecca haben sich im Hotel Melodia del Bosco im Dörfchen Badia eingemietet. Inhaber Klaus Irsara ist selbst begeisterter Radfahrer und hat sein Hotel zum Bikehotel gemacht…